Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Brazilian vacation. Leaving the fire line.

Starting this blog will help me to improve my writing skills, write about my experiences and motivate me to write.

My first vacation of the year will start November 10th 2008. I fly out of San Fransisco airport and arrive in Sau Paulo, Brazil; 19 hours later. My year has gone by fast, because I have worked almost everyday of it.
When I started fighting fire in June I didn't know my work would consume so much of my life in 08. I learned a lot about fire this year and met a lot of new people through it. It is unfortunate, I will miss next fire season, and the training I had will expire.
Plus, I will miss working with the fire crew. I have befriended them, it will be quiet with out the crew. I will be taken out of the fire order, and a new person will fill my spot next season. I hope it will be another female.
My vacation to Brazil will help me to let go of the past year and start a new life in 2009.

1 comment:

The Ramirez Trio said...

new adventures are always good. have fun and be safe, and we will be waiting for your return